Theory and Technique DVD Series (5 Volume Set)
Theory and Technique DVD Series (5 Volume Set)
Includes volumes 3, 5, 6, 29 & 31
Buy all the Theory & Technique DVDs and SAVE!
Improve your skill level and take advantage of all Jodi’s Theory & Technique DVDs at this special package price.
Newer Version Available! A bundle of 10 grooming techniques videos are also available to stream online right now! You can buy them to own or subscribe to entire library today.
Titles Included In this Series:
Scissoring: Theory & Technique
Thinning Shears: Theory & Technique
Before The Groom
Smooth Road To Shavedowns
Deshedding: Theory & Technique
Matts Happen: Dematting Theory & Techniques
Snap-On Combs: Theory & Techniques
The techniques that Jodi demonstrates in her DVDs will help advance your skills to the next level.
These are techniques that she has developed over the years. Jodi is known for her scissoring and thinning shear work and will WOW you with her techniques. These 8 DVDs are a must have for all groomers at any skill level. Your clients may not know what you did different but what they will know is that their dog never looked so good! Stay one step ahead of your competition and take advantage of this great package deal.